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Positive reviews

It feels amazing.

Getting a positive review is such a great reward for a graphic designer. I know many of us (maybe all of us) suffer from self-doubt at times, especially designers like me that work for themselves. We aren't immersed in the agency environment where you get to bounce ideas around with your peers or let off some steam together while you work towards launching your project.

So to get a five-star google review feels wonderful.

To get a compliment from another designer I asked to cast her eye over my latest web design project is even better. "You're a great designer" she said. It's enough. Enough to feel confident that what I've done is good work and I should be confident to present it to my client.

It's taken me a long time to 'collect' design friends - there are two who I've never actually met personally, who refer some jobs to me. That is the greatest compliment. (And pressure to live up to!)

So, thank you for the positive words and encouragement - they all make a different to a designer, like me.

Photo by Moritz Kindler: https://www.pexels.com/photo/macbook-pro-displaying-icons-on-screen-3605247/


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