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Logo design

What is required of a great logo design?

Your logo is the very first thing people use to form an opinion about your business: your logo needs to reflect your business and engage your audience. 

Your logo design needs to be simple, memorable, timeless, versatile, and appropriate for your business.

Passion for logo design

I love the challenge of logo design. 

Each client/business is different and needs their logo to reflect their unique place in the market. Figuring out the personality of a business - what fonts, colours and imagery will best reflect them is my favourite graphic design challenge. 

The end result may look very simple, but so much has been considered before I've even sent you your first logo design.

Let's chat

Let's chat (face-to-face, text, WhatsApp, email, messenger) so I can get a feel for what you're trying to achieve with your logo design.'

Recommended by other designers!

"For anything logo design, my go-to is Linda Page. She's an awesome logo designer."

~ Erwin, Web Designer


"LINDA YOU ARE AMAZING!  It's exactly how I'd hoped it would look in the circle we love it! "

"We love what you’ve done and the thoughts behind the design.  Awesome work Linda, thank you."

Rongopai Maxwell
Wawata Creative

Carefully crafted logos…

I have a vast logo portfolio collection on Pinterest. Perhaps there's something there you like? I encourage you to follow me on Instagram too.

What if I don’t know what I want?

Some clients have a very clear idea of what they want whereas others may not even know what they're going to call their business!

It's OK!

You don’t need to have all the answers right away - I can work with remarkably little, so let me surprise you with a logo design you're stoked with.

Logo file types

I often get asked what file types I supply when designing a logo. Rather than get into technical speak I explain that I provide two types of files - vector(print) or raster (web use/internalRead more


I love helping new companies set up, get their branding under control, making sure their online presence looks pristine and seeing them step confidently forth into the business world being proud ofRead more

Branding - what are you without it?

I was heading into town with my family to collect something, when I noticed something different in the environment. For some reason I was noticing a building facade in the distance. "Was that wallRead more

Branding for AllRecruits

It's all about Recruiting - both for the individual candidates searching for a job and the corporates looking to fill a position. It's new to New Zealand and the team at AllRecruits wants to show theRead more

Logo design process

So we've had a meeting and discussed the logo you require. I will then spend a couple of days trying not to think about your logo. Inevitably, that's an invitation for my brain to sneakily thinkRead more

Why .eps?

When your logo files get sent to you, you will find several types of files, some of which you probably can't open - don't move them to the trash! These are most likely your vector file versions.  IRead more

A Rebranding Journey

I attended a workshop over many weeks (Digital Boost) along with several other business owners trying to learn more about how best to represent one's business online. We learned many useful thingsRead more

Full branding

When approached by Doug with regard to designing packaging for a premium product, I had to convince him to begin by giving his product an identity, starting with a logo. We had many discussions arouRead more

World Cup Rugby 2023

When you have rugby fanatic friends who are obsessed with their national rugby team: South Africa's "Springboks"… When they get together from all over the world every 4 years to attend theirRead more

Logo design questionnaire

This is a great exercise to figure out what you're looking to achieve with your new business venture and how you want to be perceived by your ideal client.  It will make you think about yourRead more

What's a vector file?

Things that are created using software that is vector based use mathematical formulas on a grid system... perfect for things like logos. Logos always need to represent perfectly no matter where theyRead more

Considerations for a logo design

One of the very first steps many business owners take when launching their new venture, is engaging a graphic designer to create a logo for their new business.  Some clients have a clear idea ofRead more

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